Friday, January 9, 2009

Lemme tell you about my morning

But only because I'm proud of myself. For doing what just about 99% of other Americans do everyday with out really thinking about it. You see I'm a morning dysfunctional. I can function just fine in the morning, better than most even since I don't rely on coffee. Caveat here, I can function just fine in the morning after I've gotten up. It's not a snooze thing, I don't use the snooze button at all. The alarm goes off, I turn it off and I go back to sleep. Doesn't matter where you put the alarm either. I can get up, go turn it off and walk right back to bed. No problem. If sleeping were an Olympic sport no one on this earth, not even those lazy ass teenagers, could take that gold away from me. No way. I can even remember getting up and turning off the alarm, it's not like I do it in a sleep daze. If the phone rings and I need to answer it and sound like I've been awake for hours I can do that too. Totally coherent conversation, no sleepiness to be detected by the person on the other end of the line. Oh I'm good, let me tell ya.

So the hubby does shift work, 4 days on 4 days off, each week is different. If he works the weekend he usually gets to be home most of the week days. This week he was home Mon-Thurs so I didn't have to take the kid to school those days (she has to be there before 7:40). When he takes her they get there early and he parks and walks her to class. She hates the drive up and drop off line, she likes to be walked to class. She also hates to be late. She doesn't like it when I have morning duty, it never goes well. On my mornings I get her breakfast ready and go get myself ready. She has to eat by herself (glued to the morning cartoons, she doesn't really notice me not there) and then get her teeth brushed and dressed by herself. She's 7 and more than capable of all these tasks. Her alarm goes off at 6 am, mine goes off at 6:30. Why the discrepancy? The dh sets her alarm, I set mine and I see no need to get up at 6. So at 6 she gets up (she's good about getting up in the mornings, she has many of the dh's attributes, even the good ones) and comes into my room and crawls under the blankies on her daddy's empty side of the bed and goes back to sleep. We have a system, and understanding of sorts, and everyone in the house knows that mommy gets up on her own schedule, don't mess with a sleeping mommy.

This morning was good, I hadn't gotten up at 6:30 in awhile, maybe 2 weeks? I'm always like 45 minutes late for work, good thing no one cares. So I was expecting to turn off the snooze and sleep for too long and get the kid to school barely on time, if not totally late which does happen on my watch on occasion. We are never more than like 3 minutes late though so I could be worse. DD hates it when she's late so I try not to let that happen. Anyway I got up at 6:30, got the kid and the dogs fed, took a shower, got ready and she had her teeth brushed and was dressed with shoes on by the time I made it downstairs. Having her up stupid early in the mornings for 4 days straight made it so that she was ready to get herself good and gone. I like it! Mornings run a lot slower when she's dancing around naked with a tooth brush in her mouth at 7:30. It's common practice in our house, drives us nuts. Her teacher has already sent notes home about her having trouble 'staying on task'. Ya think we haven't seen it babe?

So this morning I got to work at 8:03, it was weird....


Stephanie Harsh said...

I just can't wake up to save my life. I feel exhausted every morning and it doesn't matter how much sleep I get! And my alarm clock? It's across the room! And I still snooze a dozen times.

Anonymous said...

what's the problem with running around naked with your toothbrush in the morning? that's like every single person in this house on a weekday . . .