I didn't realize how big until I put it on my desktop. You'll have to click on the dang thing to see it all. I picked the center option rather than the stretch, it centers it so much her head is almost real time size and it's mostly just her face.
I always have a pic of the kid up on my work computer. Today I looked at it and thought, dang I haven't changed that for over a year. She looks different now, kids change so quickly. The last pic I had up she was still a little kindergardener almost first grader. Now she's a big second grader. Where the hell did the time go?
Those freckles are ADORABLE.
I know huh? As an adult I try and cover mine with foundation when we get dressed up but really, it's an act in futility. As a child though, man they are too cute!
What a doll! I hated my freckles as a kid but on her, they are too cute.
Awesome photo! Time really does fly, I just visited my son and his GF...seems like yesterday I was changing his diapers.
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