I did tell you guys we have/had a pink snake right? Sarah the pink albino corn snake? I woke this morning and noticed the top to her cage was slightly open. The first thought that came to mind? Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. You'll pardon the French but I doubt many of you guys would have cleaner language when faced with the same situation. Really it's not the snake lose in the house thing that bothers me. It's the 'kid is not going to be happy' kind of reaction. That and I know just how impossible it is to find a 4 foot snake in 2200 sq ft of a 2 story home. Let's face it, it ain't gonna happen. If I'm really lucky she'll have made her way out somewhere/how and will die outside. Where I can't smell the carcass.
Yes we did a search (like I really thought we'd find her, sure) and I have kept the dogs downstairs (the snake cage is upstairs in the scrapbooking/game room at the top of the stairs) plus I turned my computer on in the office (room right next to the game room) so heat would be created in hopes of her going to that. The hubby has set out her feeding box, cut a small snake sized hole in the top, and put it in the game room next to her cage to try and bait her. Not likely to happen since we only feed her dead (previously frozen) mice and I don't see how a snake could find that enticing but it really didn't require a whole lot of work so it's worth a try. Plus like I said, the dogs are gated and regulated downstairs so it's not like they'll get to it.
Now I know there are a lot of people who are totally freaked out by snakes, like totally, and the thought of a live 4 ft albino pink snake roaming in their house would send them straight to the nearest hotel. Fortunately our household has no phobias and I'm sure the dogs would be pleased as punch if she were to visit one of them in their sleep. Damn that would suck, I don't even want to know what kind of carnage I'd find the next morning. Ew. Now if she ends up sleeping with one of us I just hope we notice so she isn't squished. Why do I think there's a possibility of this happening? Dude when my feet are cold they make a bee line for the warmest place, the hubby. If I were a totally cold blooded animal then I'd be ALL OVER the warm peeps in the house. Duh. So, oddly, I'm hoping she ends up in one of beds, better than finding her rotting somewhere in my house. Nope, no snake phobias here. Plus she's a nice snake, no snake is cuddly but she is personable and doesn't mind being held and handled by a squirming 7 yr old. Really, you can't ask for much more from a reptile.
So here's to hoping a snake crawls into bed with us sometime soon before she freezes of starves to death or feeds herself to one of the dogs. Or tries to get into the chinchilla cage and eat him. He'd kick her pink ass, spunky little thing that he is. Don't worry, his cage is in the dinette past the dogs downstairs and on the other side of the house.
Oh no, no no no. I would totally be somewhere else than the house. I am VERY afraid of snakes. It might be cause a copperhead bit me when I was 5 and I almost died.
Here's to you and hoping you get the pink snake. Better you than me!
chinchillas, snakes, dogs, oh MY! . . .
Um, yeah. Please don't invite me over. (Not like you would, but you know... fears and all that.)
That would suck to happen upon it...or if one of the dogs got it...yikes!
Yeah I thought there'd be some non-snake lovers out there. I don't blame you Lisa, if I were bit by a copperhead I'd be a bit shy of snakes too! Those are some nasty snakes, I'm surprised you lived!
Did you ever find it?? If not, how's the kid doing? No snake fear here, though I hope I never have a run-in with the poisonous variety. That would freak me out for sure.
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