Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wrong on so many different levels that

I just had to share (circa 1974, I hope you weren't dieting then...) just hit the arrows to scroll though more recipes:
Yum tasty!
Oh and if you use the tabs function (like I do) notice that each new recipe has a different comment on the tab that is a RIOT of sarcasm....

*PS* the hubby spent last night combing through all of the recipe comments and just could not help himself, they are all DAMN FUNNY. He could barely read some of these puppys aloud as he was laughing too hard.


Train Wreck said...

OMG I laughed so hard! Fish Balls bouys, SHit on a shingle, That ceramic cheetah! OMG can you imagine? THat is probably the start of bulemia! bleah, gah, ugh...

Anonymous said...

i laughed while scrolling through the recipes and comments . . . and then . . . and then . . . and then i saw the bean and mushroom "salad" my (x) MIL prepared once.

(i think i threw up a little bit in my mouth.) thank you. no. really. thank you.

MichelleSG said...

OMG Angie, that was by far the NASTIEST thing they had listed! Someone actually made that!? And you ate it? Gawd, no mil love is worth that, not a single one.

Anonymous said...

(i never said i ate it.)

trust me, that was only ONE of her culinary offenses . . . how about frozen cranberries in black cherry jello, with a layer of sour cream on top, topped with crushed walnuts and black pepper? i mean . . . WTF?! that one i actually ate - ack!

Susie said...

OMFG these are AWESOME! I've actually done the whole Weight Watchers thing, too, which made it even funnier. Except they don't make you eat these... abominations, nowadays. But you know, if they did? I bet people would lose that weight stat. Some might actually starve to DEATH.