Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Almost done!

I have like 14 more x-mas cards to make. I can't believe I've gotten this far actually. There are only 2 addresses that I can't find, fortunately they are parents of good friends so I just emailed them to have them send me those addresses. They'd better get back to me! I tried addressing the ones that have the farthest to travel first (seeing as how these things are going out damn late!) so we'll see how it goes. At least this year I have a good excuse, and hey, I hand made all of these suckers after having being released from the hospital. My OT therapist will probably be thrilled. Did you know that Occupational Therapy is from the waist up and Physical Therapy is the waist down? I learned that in therapy since I was getting both. One day for OT they sat me down with a 14 piece puzzle. Yeah, we do nothing less than 1000 here at the house. Well except for the kid but she's at like 100 pieces so she's no slacker either. At least we do something productive with the dining room table. Lord knows we never use it for eating.
Speaking of PT/OT btw, I start again this Thursday. They've been busy and hadn't had a chance to call me to schedule times for me. Good thing I'm pretty much functional....

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