Saturday, November 29, 2008

God said she needed to be taken off the road

God said she needed to be taken off the road

I'm sorry what? Excuse me you caused an accident because God told you to? Really? And do ya think you can pull that one off in court and get away with it? Sure why not, the drivers in San Antonio suck so hard he probably can, sad to say. Plus they love that WWJD, God told me to shit here. Lord forbid we take personal responsibility for our actions when it just makes way more sense to blame it on God. Wow, what would we do with out God as our greatest excuse for all of our piss poor decisions. Boy howdy do I LOVE living this close to the bible belt. Remind me never to drive and further north east of here. I think I may have a violent allergic to Oklahoma or north Florida.

1 comment:

Trailboss said...

People are amazing huh?