Sunday, October 26, 2008

Did I ever tell ya'll?

Because my dh hears it constantly. I can't stand My Space. That system/area/what ever the hell it's called drives me nuts. Eons ago I tried setting up my own page and I just never got the hang of it. I just assumed I was an idiot and let it die. I had a friend walk me through making a background and had it look kind of right but it was such a pain in the ass. All I wanted was a space I could write in and put stuff up in. I don't know, maybe I'm just too old for it. It's a younger generation thing? Too much flashy shit on it and getting all your friends listed and scrolling down one side and all that crap. So somewhere out there I do have and old dead My Space page, I have no idea what it's called or what the sign in for it is. It's maybe 2 years old.

I have a friend who owns a paintball field and 3 paintball stores. They had a My Space page because all of their clientele are well, lets face it, children. Guess what happened? They got a virus from their My Space page and it ate their computer. It's like having a My Space page is like having unprotected sex with a bunch of college frat/sorority members, why? Dude, grow up and move on to a more stable system. I have another friend who just last week got a hold of me to ask me what other platforms are out there because her granddaughter had set her up on a My Space page and it was being hacked into. Gah! I said why the hell are you on My Space!? Yeah so she's having it shut down and is starting up something else on some other platform.

So why am I ranting today? Because I spent the morning flitting about on a bunch of My Space pages remembering what I had hated so much about them. They are so...high school...with their icon pictures that are more than half the time not even the people that are using them. The lists of 'friends' that scroll down 500 miles long, oh and the friggin backgrounds that I find impossible to read against if I am lucky enough to find something intelligible on the page that makes up a whole sentence much less a paragraph. It's like a patch of this a patch of that something stuck out here maybe more like an adhd kid on crack went at a MS Paint screen and had at it. The OCD in me can't make sense of My Space. I think for that reason I never even bothered looking at Facebook. So to this day when someone asks me if I have My Space page I so want to say to them something like, no I'm a card carrying adult. I look up words I don't know how to spell so I can actually spell them correctly rather than just sounding them out and putting them up and assuming other people know what I'm talking about. Talk about old school, I can spell, how novel....


Train Wreck said...

LOL! I have a my space, but after having a blog? I don't do much on it? It is confusing to me? If I blog why do I need a my space? A Virus! Really! I had never thought about that! Yikes! I came over to find the Frencie link, to look at Harlowe! I had a busy day yesterday, just catching up!

Trailboss said...

My daughter who is 17 has one, along with facebook. We have been lucky so far w/no virsus but my other daughter had her harddrive fried when a friend got on her computer and accessed that page. Now she is stuck w/no computer at all. Bummer

AnnaM said...

I don't have a MySpace. I do however have Faacebbok. Mostly people find me there, I send them the the real world.
No way I would rely on it for my social life!

Susie said...

I have one, but don't do much with it these days. (And I refuse to do Facebook because I don't need yet another time suck in my life.) It's not just for kids though - my mom, who is 60, has a page so she can view pics that me and my sibs post. I can't decide if it's funny or embarrassing when she comments me.

Anonymous said...

I have a myspace page but I don't use it very often...not with my blog and everything.

Anonymous said...

I have myspace but I hate it! I really am only on it to look at other people's stuff and to send messages to my brother. There are WAY too many adverts clouding up the area! Hate it!

Froggacuda said...

Saying My Space and Facebook are the same thing because they are both social networking sites is like saying that a Hyundai and a Mercedes are the same thing because they are both cars. My Space is dead due to things like virus problems, cluttered pages, and unusable applications. Facebook on the other hand, is clean, elegant, and constantly coming up with useful stuff, such as RSS feed imports to automagically post your blog postings to your FB page so that the information flows effortlessly from A to B. Don't judge Facebook (or LinkedIn, another excellent professional networking social site) by My Space experiences.