Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I hate to have to do this

but it's come down to it. I have turned on comment moderation. I now am having to approve comments before they come up. So if you comment and now notice that it doesn't automatically immediately come up that's why. I know, I know, it's irritating and offensive, it drives me nuts too but it's come down to it. There's this guy, a whackadoodle mental patient from Australia that apparently is off his meds that spams Pam (Sobriety is Exhausting) like 112 times a day and he's followed some of her readers around and now here he is. Oh and this other lovely scrawney ass lady that, quite frankly, just annoys me enough that I don't need her in my own little world of ME. And hey, since it's my world I can say that. As for the rest of you all that I know and love, feel free to criticize at will. I will always publish whatever you have to say about me. Why? Because you always come back and talk and converse. Creative criticism and discussion, I love it. People that do nothing but get their panties in a wad? Well I think they just need to get off the internet, it's too grown up for them, they need more therapy before going out into the big kid world. There are just those people out there and sadly, that's why Google made comment moderation.


Trailboss said...

Ole Micky/Patrick/whatever he is calling himself is quite irritation. He seems to have made the rounds. But, like you said, that is what comment moderation is there for.

Anonymous said...

Well luckily I know you're not talking about me--scrawny? Nope haha At least I hope you're not talking about me!

Death before Decaf! said...

Religious zealots...

I'll just leave it at that.


Anonymous said...

Why is that there always has to be at LEAST 1 cazy in the group?!

Rising Rainbow said...

The whack jobs and spammers are exactly why comment moderation is there, if you ask me. I wouldn't be using it if it wasn't necessary.